Date: 5:21 pm Tue Nov 28, 1995 Number : 184 of 203 From: Warsong Base : BOMB_NET - General Debates To : Uraeus Subj: Re: Microsoft
U> Well the next generation of computers is near. Everything will be build int U> a tiny little box. No more standard plug in cards at all.. plus IBM has U> released a new type of computer that's 100% netword dependant. Meaning that U> there really is no hardware involved, any sort of upgrade is done through U> software. Microsoft will no longer have it's claws on the PC Industry. Sca U> stuff.
That's great news. I'll be able to dl a P6 with 100 megs of ram :)
BTW, where did you hear this? (or are you just taking a stab in the dark?)