Date: 7:20 pm Sun Nov 5, 1995 Number : 23 of 203 From: Silicon Soul Base : BOMB_NET - General Debates To : Molson Subj: Re: [Treason?
M> i never said it was a good idea for them to separate...i'm quite on the othe M> side...but you have to realize that quebec is not the only province with M> french speaking people in it...the second language majority would still be M> French without quebec...and yes i think your right that quebec can't just ge M> up and leave without being responsible for there share of the deficit and M> other responsibles...exactly why i'm on the no side...
Well, I think what a large percentage of Canada's population is saying is that basically we are tired of hearing about it. We are tired of the incessant whining about not getting a fair deal (which is fairer than most of the provinces if you look at provincial powers and financial concerns...) We are tired of having to pay out every time the hotheads over there decide to resurrect the sovereignty cry. This has gone on long enough. And no way is the rest of Canada prepared to bend over backwards to beg them to remain. They will not get the economic partnership they crave. We're tired of being held to ransom by the child who gets his cake and must eat it too! It is their problem. Why should we make it ours? If the responsible people in the province who realize the benefits they enjoy as part of confederation are unable to control the radical elements there, then they must live with the consequences.
Back to this question of language for a minute... Language is one of the things that UNITES a country. Dual language is one of the things that DIVIDE. the United States is strong and proud despite her people's origins and one of the reasons is they have one COMMON LANGUAGE they share.
Parizeau constantly refers to 'our people'... The 'ethnic element' and the English were responsible for the no vote... Well, the ethnic elements so called and the English have a vote to cast as well. their votes have equal value. they too have spent their lives living and working in that province. If Parizeau had his way, he'd have everyone of 'ethnic' origin shipped out on the next train... and turn his French Canadian women back into the breeders they used to be. Oh, in case you never did hear about that one... his remark was to the effect that the white race (so called) actually translated - white FRENCH Canadian need to produce more children... Obviously so they can outnumber the mal dit Anglais... One doesn't know which is more offensive - the racist comments or the women becoming better breeders!
In any case - my gut feeling is that the mistake goes way back. There should never have been two languages, the country should never have been set up as a bilingual nation. Had things been done properly, Canada would be united in spirit as well as in physical territory. Why English? Because it is the language of commerce, science and the most widely accepted language in the world. Go to France and you NO problem finding people who can speak with you in English.
There are many countries in the world where the populations are quite evenly divided as to original language, but very few actual bi-lingual countries where the other languages are recognized officially. Most countries prefer unity.