Serotonin Message base: Bomb_net General Message Number: 14
Date: 5:35 am Sat Nov 18, 1995 Number : 14 of 208 From: Nevada Base : BOMB_Net - General Discussion To : Servility Subj: Re: GMC
N> Well, seeing as how you are in the same city as Dana, you get the inf N> a heck of alot quicker than me....I have to go long distance to get updates. N> I don't feel special, just thot it was not prudent to go posting other N> individual's names in a public forum. You don't agree with that? 8) S> S> Does this message confuse anyone else? :)... Ummm I am seriously S> confused..
Well, in the first place you confused said that TCT was down, I mentioned that I had not heard this. Then you said Dana came by and you are using his HD with which he used to run the bbs. I said, oh sorry, maybe I am wrong. A couple of days later I found this out, and posted that you had been right and I had been talking to an acquaintance of his about it, which is where I heard it from. Then I was asked who told me that, and I said I would prefer not to post an individual's name in public post. Then you came back and basically went on that I was wrong and was not such a hot and up to date guy. I agreed and left it at exactly what were you trying to tell me, in your original msg, which I replied to above and you quoted? I was wrong and said so, never ever gave any impression that I knew better.
So, if you will scroll back you will see what you said in msg 316, which really made not too much sense to me. You said that I was a Mr. Don't I Feel Special. Feel special about what? It was a news post and that was all, not interested in being anyone special. If you want to tell me what's on your mind, pls do, I still don't know exactly what you want me to say about this, I was wrong and admitted it. Doesn't that basically end the msg thread?