Serotonin Message base: Bomb_net Internet Message Number: 91
Date: 10:16 am Tue Nov 28, 1995 Number : 91 of 100 From: Nevada Base : BOMB_Net - InterNet Discussion To : Extreme Subj: Re: MGL
E> gee.. how LOOOONG ago did I say MGL was the best :) N> N> Where'd you think I got the info from, Sparky? About 2-3 mths ago, E> E> E> <mumble grumble> sparky... eeesh.. I dropped spartan as well guy... anyways. E> I STILL haven't seen a faster/better provider than MGL, even if it's free fr E> a University, those don't compare (trust me, I know).
Still your good old self....I couldn't resist the Sparky comment, so....what's the scoop on this new provider that was mentioned as opening up on here, in early Dec, or are you not bothering to move around to a different supplier, since you have a good one?