Date: 4:50 pm Fri Mar 24, 1995 Number : 46 of 200 From: Azrael Base : Sports To : Apocalypse Subj: Re: Michael Jordan
A> BTW....latest Sports Illustrated says that Air Jordan might start in the A> game against Orlando next week...:) A> A> Anyone watch the Bulls vs. Pacers? hahahah Jordan was tres brutal. A> 19 points is pretty good for a guy who hasn't played in almost a year. A> A> Neyah.. but they hyped it up so much that it wasn't too impressive.. plus A> they lost the game.. to the Pacers.. I mean even without Jordan they should A> have done better. A> Pacers are number one in their division dude...
So the bulls are supposed to be the utlimate team..oh well I heard he did better in his next game.