Date: 10:32 am Sun Aug 20, 1995 Number : 84 of 200 From: Warsong Base : Sports To : All Subj: Tyson vs. McNeeley
Here's the outcome of the fight:
The bell rings and McNeeley literally charges toward Tyson with the obvious intention to surprise him... how wrong he was. They threw a few punches and of course Tyson being as skilled as he is totally ducks most of them and then while he was ducked down manages to throw a devestating uppercut which lands square into McNeeley's jaw causing him to stumble back and fall down on his but.
Shaken by this McNeeley has a taste of Tyson and figures he could aviod those type of blows which Tyson delivers... so again they go at it..
<a few punches later>
It's still in the first round.. and about 60 seconds into the fight.. Tyson corners McNeeley.. and once again throws a fatal blow to McNeeley.. and once again McNeeley drops to the ground.. almost fell out of the ring.. and the ref immediately jumps in. McNeeley gets to his feet and the ref kinda pushes McNeeley and he stumbled into the ropes. McNeeley's corner upson seeing this immediately jumps into the ring to end the fight. McNeeley automatically lost by disqualification and Tyson wins.