Date: 7:29 pm Fri Apr 7, 1995 Number : 1 of 200 From: Apocalypse Base : General Trivia To : Azrael Subj: Re: who is this
A> Buddy I already liky dicky stamped it with no touch backs.. besides i A> already had dibs..and dibs beats anything. A> Dibs beats nothing. You're still playing cry-baby grade 2 lunch room rules. A> I'm all the way up in the big leagues baby- grade-6 after school rules. Call A> me when you're worth something. :) A> A> A> Na naaa.. i don't think so .. cause I'm rubber and you're somthing and stuff A> .. well ya know.. A> That's what you think! Well, my dad could beat up your dad! SO there! :) A> A> Ya well you're a coca head. Kakapoopoo