Date: 3:13 pm Fri Jul 21, 1995 Number : 127 of 200 From: Bellicose Base : General Trivia To : Mortus Subj: Re: Trivia #1
B> I wouldn't mind but it totally locksup.... it takes like 25 secs for the B> front door shit to come up, I hit ESC x2 and then it sits.. annoying!! M> M> It's fixed now...when you were calling I didn't have mutitasking turned on, M> was giving like 150/4 clock ticks :) (that's 4 for teh board and 150 for M> everything else)...:)
Ok.. I will have to UL the files I leech off of here more to you then. Of course since you also have NR here I have to get to it faster than you :)