Date: 7:33 am Tue Nov 7, 1995 Number : 56 of 203 From: Silicon Soul Base : BOMB_NET - General Debates To : Molson Subj: Re: [Treason?
M> they don't have the # of people to the degree that Quebec does...and out wes M> there is More Asian people then English..and do there own thing in there own M> laguage...they don't always attempt to speak english SS> SS> Nor do they demand that we use their language in all advertising, governmen SS> documents, nor do they demand that we shave off, say Vancouver Island and c SS> it New Hong Kong! so they can have their own country. M> M> and the English speaking People don't Treat the Asian people as bad...there M> and always be people who do...but not to the degree that we do to quebec..
Well, I have to disagree. I think in general our 'treatment' of lack of tolerance for Asian, East Indian and other visible minorities is far worse than any treatment received by the French.